Sunday, March 16, 2025

Learn the secrets of matching colors when staining woods!

Sin City Woodworkers, a Vegas valley social and networking group committed to serious (and not so serious!) woodworking discussions, will now be meeting on the third Thursday of each month to share everything from techniques and ideas to information about local suppliers and much more. 

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 20, at 7:00 where yours truly (me!) will be discussing how to match an existing finish with spray toner stains. I know, it sounds boring, but once you see how easy they are to use, you’ll be convinced they’re a game changer in your finishing toolbox.

I work with a lot of property managers who bring me damaged kitchen cabinet doors or drawer fronts that need replacing. It’s pretty easy to make a door that closely matches design-wise, but matching the stain color is a completely different challenge! Finish colors fade with age, years of cleaning or abuse, and matching that color is quite difficult.

Many years ago, a cabinetmaker friend told me about spray stains that can color wood appropriately. By layering colors together, it’s somewhat easy to recreate aged finishes that will closely match the existing wood - whether it’s kitchen cabinets or  a piece of free standing furniture.  

This meeting will be held at Woodcraft of Las Vegas at 5220 W. Charleston Blvd.  As always, the public is welcome to attend the meeting, so members - please feel free to bring a guest along. If you have questions or need directions, call (702) 672-8981.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Our February meeting features glass artist - Cory Knauss

Sin City Woodworkers is a Vegas valley social and networking group committed to serious (and not so serious!) woodworking discussions. We meet on the third Thursday of each month to share everything from techniques and ideas, demos and information about local suppliers and much, much more. 

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 20, at 7:00 and we’ll be featuring the multi talented Cory Knauss, who started out as a stained glass artist, but added woodworking to his bag of tricks about seven years ago. Much of Cory’s woodworking involves framing the stained glass panels that he’s made over the years. 

Originally from Washington, Cory was a math teacher for over 20 years, and later - became a CPA.  He says he’s been retired for 9 years, but - do artists ever really retire?  Cory learned how to make stained glass  panels 45 years ago from his sister-in-law, and made several projects back then. Since he retired, he decided to take up the hobby again.  

Cory will give an abbreviated demonstration of the steps involved in creating a stained-glass window, and then -  he’ll also explain how he makes wood frames for his arched windows.  He’s also going to discuss some ideas for combining wood and stained glass for some unique projects.

This meeting will be held at Woodcraft of Las Vegas at 5220 W. Charleston Blvd.  As always, the public is welcome to attend the meeting, so members - please feel free to bring a guest along. If you have questions or need directions, call (702) 672-8981.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Everything you've ever wanted to know about starting a small woodworking business - from a guy who's done it!

 Sin City Woodworkers, a Vegas valley social and networking group committed to serious (and not so serious!) woodworking discussions meet on the third Thursday of each month to share everything from techniques and ideas, demos and information about local suppliers and much, much more. 

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 16, at 7:00 and we’ll be discussing a topic that many of our members have asked about - what’s it like to start your own woodworking business?

If you love woodworking, and are thinking about starting a small business… here’s your chance to get some first hand advice from local woodworker and businessman John Forte of Forte Wood Creations.

Originally from Massachusetts, John has been a Las Vegas resident for over 42 years. He’s had multiple business ventures, including hair salons, home building, online sales, board game inventing and - you guessed it - woodworking! 

John started his woodworking/crafting company a few years ago, and will be sharing his experiences with running a small woodworking business.  Hopefully, his first hand knowledge will help others figure out their path in wood. He’ll be discussing the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of being a small business owner. Interested in putting your work in stores or galleries? He's done it! Direct sales? Yup! And hopefully, his discussion will give everyone some things to think about when considering turning their wood passion into a company.

This meeting will be held at Woodcraft of Las Vegas at 5220 W. Charleston Blvd.  As always, the public is welcome to attend the meeting, so members - please feel free to bring a guest along. If you have questions or need directions, call (702) 672-8981.



Tuesday, December 17, 2024

No December meeting - see you in January!

 We announced at our November meeting that we would be skipping the December meeting.

So... see you next year! 

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Time for Snowflakes?

 Sin City Woodworkers, a Vegas valley social and networking group committed to serious (and not so serious!) woodworking discussions, meets on the third Thursday of each month. We share everything from techniques and ideas and projects to information about local suppliers and much more. 

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, at 7:00, and John Frame will share his technique for making wooden snowflakes on a tablesaw. This simple project is perfect for crafting Christmas tree ornaments - sweet little gifts to give away this coming holiday season.

John learned this technique from watching Steve Ramsey’s You Tube channel - Woodworking for Mere Mortals. Steve covers this technique from start to finish in his video - Wooden Snowflakes on a Table Saw.  (Here's a link to check out the video!)

Johns been making these ornaments for years, and once you see how simple this is - you’ll be putting your scrap wood to good use, making these gifts for everyone you know!

This meeting will be held at Woodcraft of Las Vegas at 5220 W. Charleston Blvd.  As always, the public is welcome to attend the meeting, so members - please feel free to bring a guest along. If you have questions or need directions, call (702) 672-8981.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

It's time for our annual Swap Meet!


 Sin City Woodworkers, a Vegas valley social and networking group committed to serious (and not so serious!) woodworking discussions, usually meets on the third Thursday of each month. This is a reminder that we won’t have a regular Thursday night meeting, but instead - we’ll be holding an outdoor swap meet on Sunday, October 20.  We’ll get started at 10:00 AM and stay until the last deal is done! 

Have something to sell? Grab your gear and head over to 2267 West Gowan in North Las Vegas. 

This will be your chance to buy - sell - or - barter tools with like-minded woodworkers, so clean out your woodshop and join us!

Everyone is welcome to bring a table or cart to set up a booth in our parking lot. The parking lot is mostly empty on Sunday mornings, so everyone will have a chance to spread out and sell their wares. 

Some of the goodies up for grabs include many hand tools, small power tools like routers, drills, drivers, nail guns, books and MUCH more. You’ll find some bargains, some rare tools and a whole lot more. You’re going to find some great bargains here, just in time for your winter projects!

The swap meet open to the public, so please feel free to bring a guest along. If you have questions or need directions, call 702-672-8981 for more info.

We hope to see you at the swap meet!!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

It's time for our annual Swap Meet!


Hey Sin City Woodworkers - There won’t be a regular meeting this month, but we will be holding an outdoor swap meet on Sunday, October 20, at 10:00AM.

(Fingers crossed for good weather!)

This early announcement will give you time to grab all the extra tools and gear that you'd like to sell or trade.  Start your pile!

We’ll get started at 10:00 AM and stay until the last deal is done!

This will be your chance to buy - sell - or - barter tools with like-minded woodworkers, so clean out your woodshop and join us!

Everyone is welcome to bring a table or cart to our next meeting and set up a booth in our parking lot. The parking lot is mostly empty on Sunday mornings, so everyone will have a chance to spread out and sell their wares. 

Some of the goodies up for grabs include many hand tools, small power tools like routers, drills, drivers, nail guns, books, and MUCH more.  There will also be MUCH wood for sale - including live edge slabs, exotics, dimensional lumber, and too much to mention. You’re going to find some great bargains here, just in time for your winter projects!

This swap meet will be held at 2267 West Gowan in North Las Vegas.  The swap meet open to the public, so please feel free to bring a guest along. If you have questions or need directions, call 702-672-8981 for more info.

We hope to see you at the swap meet!!