Thursday, December 26, 2019

A little holiday re-cap!

We're heading into our 11th year, and some of our out-of-town members asked for a re-cap of the holiday party... so here you go!  We had another fantastic party - good turnout, 

great food,

 and even some live entertainment this year, courtesy of Rich Matta! He's a retired music teacher and professional musician, and his mini concert of Christmas music was very special.

 Speaking of special, our members went out of their way to make wig stands for donations to patients undergoing cancer therapies.  

The entries were terrific, and as in past years, Lupe's competitive spirit propelled her into first place. 

Her Spiraled Wig Stand featured african mahogany and maple, a checkerboard glue-up, and a tricky hand carved spiral post. 

Lupe always goes out of her way to come up with an amazing entry, and this year was particularly special. 

She gave a short speech about its construction, and pocketed $100 for her efforts. Congrats, Lupe - someone is going to enjoy that wonderful piece that you made. 

Second place went to Dennis Patchett, our carving-master and co-founder of the Las Vegas Woodcarvers group. His carving (once again!) wowed us with his carved wig stand. 

Mary Jane Chadbourne's lovely whimsical stand won third place, and we loved her explanation of adding paint and flowers to make it a cheery greeting for someone needing a place to store their wig. 

All in all - these entries were not only fabulously festive, but SO needed in our community. Thanks to all who participated!

Once again, Andrew and Nic Moore of Reclaimed Secrets donated a slab to raffle off - and this year's piece was rare and gorgeous.  A lot of people thought that it was a small slab, but once they arrived and saw it, they realized that it was a full sized slab, ready to create a dining table!

 Andrew pulled the winning ticket, and read the name.... 

and BAM! - Rick Ratayczak won the slab.

Congrats to all for making this party another success! 

A special thanks to Denny LaRocca for helping us clean and set-up the shop for the party.

To Rich Matta for the music!

Also - to the members who donated gifts that we gave away - unfortunately, we didn't get a shot of the resin piece that we created at the Knotty Artisan's studio! (Thanks Trevor and Leon!) 

Andrew and Nic Moore's slab donation was beyond generous, and we very much appreciate how special that slab was.

To the members who entered our contest and made amazing wig stands! Thanks to Randy Glau and Dennis for coordinating everything - we SO appreciate your hard work. 

To everyone who brought delicious food and drink for us to share. Ama's pies, and Boris' hummus were two highlights on the food table!

To Lupe - thanks for the photos. We might rib you about how many photos you take, but they always come in handy later!

And finally - to all of our members for ... well.. just being a member. We're heading into our 11th year, and still going strong!

(If I'm forgetting anyone, I apologize!)

We hope your Christmas was a good one, and that 2020 finds you healthy and continuing to make wonderful wooden pieces. 

Stay safe, everyone!

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