Sunday, November 15, 2020

No November meeting - but Happy Thanksgiving to you!

 Hey fellow woodworkers!

It’s been 9 long months since we met back in February, and little did we know that so many things would change in our lives. I hope this finds you (and your family) staying healthy and safe.  I’ve received so many messages of good will and support during our break, and we’ve even had quite a few new members join our MeetUp group. (I’m trying to make lemonade out of the lemons we’ve all received!)

Our annual Holiday party is obviously canceled, and truthfully - I’m not sure when we’ll meet again - hopefully in the Spring, but based on some new public health predictions - it might not be for a while. 

But I know many of you are still working in your woodshops, and you’ve building some amazing pieces. So - here’s a way that we can still have a bit of woodworking camaraderie during these isolated times… 

One of our members (Boz) is an amazing computer guy, a VERY talented photographer, and kick-ass woodworker, to boot - and he’s issued the following offer:

Why not take a some photos of what you’ve been building in your shop during this pandemic, and Boz will put together a slide show so that we can share it with each other? Please feel free to give some additional info about the photos, if you feel like they need it. We may have to edit some of the info, based on how many we receive, but we’d like to see what you’re doing to stay sane and creative!

Please send your photos and info to me at the following email:  If you send them, please put “SCWW Photos” in the subject line, so the don’t accidentally end up in my SPAM folder. 

With a little luck (and some hard work by Boz) - we’ll be able to post the slide show next month, in place of Holiday meeting.

One last thing - many of you are familiar with Transition Services - a nonprofit dedicated to serving the developmentally disabled community. 

Our member  (Emily) works there and has introduced many of us to the woodworking they do there, to stay productive, raise funds, and work with wood. I recently toured their facility, and was blown away by what they create - everything from handmade soaps to greeting cards, sculptures, quilts, woodworking crafts and SO MUCH more. It’s truly inspiring.

But one glaring need that they have is for a small planer.  

As woodworkers - we know how valuable a planer can be in our shop. So - I’d like to throw this out there - since we’re not having a Christmas party this year, I propose that we use our 2020 funds to buy them a planer.

But - we’re a little short  in our bank account - so I’d like to ask for a small donation from anyone who can possibly help them out. Even $5 or $10 will help! If you’d like to contribute - contact me! 

Meanwhile - have a safe and memorable Thanksgiving, however you choose to celebrate it! Send those photos!

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